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Licinius I Ae Follis, Silvered, 318 - 320 Ad. , Heraclea.

Licinius I Ae Follis,  Silvered,  318 - 320 Ad. ,  Heraclea. Coins: Ancient photo   Category : Coins: Ancient > Roman: Imperial (27 BC-476 AD)
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Licinius I Ae Follis,  Silvered,  318 - 320 Ad. ,  Heraclea. Coins: Ancient photo 1


Numismatic data and valuation estimates provided by soracia (Apr 8, 2013)
Item Information
Category : Coins: Ancient > Roman: Imperial (27 BC-476 AD)Id number: 96600
Ruler: Licinius IEstimated value: around 20 USD
More info
ObvIMP LICINIVS AVG ,laureate bust right ,holding globe ,sceptre and mappa
RevPROVIDENTIAE AVGG ,campgate with tree turrets ,lambda in right field
Do you know more info?

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