(Jul 24, 2017)
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Weight | 3.7 grams | S ize | 25.3 mm | Material | Silver | Obv | Daoguang Bao Zang - Dao Guang Treasure for Tibet, Year 2 | Rev | Tibetan translation | Minted in the 2nd year of Daoguang reign (1822) A Chinese reference mentions about coins exquisitely minted in the first year of the K'ang Hsi reign (1661) were discovered for the first time and were not recorded in history According to a Chinese reference ' 藏學研究論叢第六輯 - Zang Xue Yan Jiu Lun Cong', (page 87, ISBN7 223 00747 8/2. 46 ) the Qing Government had paid 10,520,000 taels in weight of silver for the Qing troop during the war The first coin was minted by the order of Regent of the Tibet government Dican Hutuktu This can only prove that there were at least two mints existed in Tibet during the 1790's. The Tibetan silver coins normally were known as Tangkas, they were minted in Tibet during the period of 1791 to 1946
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