(Sep 7, 2016)
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Reference | RIC 4 (VIII, Nicomedia) | Bronze AE4 15mm (1.22 grams) Struck at the mint of Nicomedia 337-340 A.D. [ citation needed ] The Mycenaean Greek term a-pu-ko-wo-ko meaning "craftsman of horse veil" written in Linear B syllabic script is also attested since ca. 1300 BC Often made of rich material, the chalice veils have not only a practical purpose, but are also intended to show honor to vessels used for the sacrament The veil will usually be of the same material and color as the priest's vestments, though it may always be white Biblical references Biblical references include: Thus, the general view is that this passage has nothing to do with material veils However, these veils are generally made of netting or another material not actually designed to hide the face from view, even if the veil can be pulled down Veils covering the hair and face became a symbolic reference to the virginity of the bride thereafter The sehra is made from either flowers, beads, tinsel, dry leaves, or coconuts The most common sehra is made from fresh marigolds After Constantine's victory over the Alemanni, he minted a coin issue depicting weeping and begging Alemannic tribesmen—"The Alemanni conquered"—beneath the phrase "Romans' rejoicing"
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