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Constantine I Romulus Remus Twins She - Wolf Rome Commemorative Roman Coin I40962

Constantine I Romulus Remus Twins She - Wolf Rome Commemorative Roman Coin I40962 Coins: Ancient photo   Category : Coins: Ancient > Roman: Imperial (27 BC-476 AD)
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Constantine I Romulus Remus Twins She - Wolf Rome Commemorative Roman Coin I40962 Coins: Ancient photo 1


Numismatic data and valuation estimates provided by ann-ganeshi (Sep 7, 2012)
Item Information
Category : Coins: Ancient > Roman: Imperial (27 BC-476 AD)Id number: 96756
Estimated value: around 200 USD
More info
ReferenceRIC 229 (VII, Thessalonica)
Bronze AE3 19mm (2.39 grams) Thessalonica mint: 330-335 A.D.
The type that commemorated Rome had the personification of Rome, Roma with the inscription VRBS ROMA and the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus on the reverse suckling the she-wolf
The type that commemorated Constantinople had the personification of Constantinople on the obverse and Victory on a galley sailing with a shield
180s BC) refers to Romulus as a divinity without reference to Quirinus, whom Roman mythographers identified as an originally Sabine war-deity, and thus to be identified with Roman Mars
After Constantine's victory over the Alemanni, he minted a coin issue depicting weeping and begging Alemannic tribesmen—"The Alemanni conquered"—beneath the phrase "Romans' rejoicing"
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