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Constantine I The Great 316ad Ancient Roman Coin Sol Sun God Cult I53375

Constantine I The Great 316ad Ancient Roman Coin Sol Sun God Cult I53375 Coins: Ancient photo   Category : Coins: Ancient > Roman: Imperial (27 BC-476 AD)
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Constantine I The Great 316ad Ancient Roman Coin Sol Sun God Cult I53375 Coins: Ancient photo 1


Numismatic data and valuation estimates provided by ann-ganeshi (Nov 5, 2016)
Item Information
Category : Coins: Ancient > Roman: Imperial (27 BC-476 AD)Id number: 166628
Ruler: Constantine I
More info
ReferenceRIC 135 (VII, Trier)
Bronze Follis 21mm (3.31 grama) Treveri mint: 316 A.D.
The same point is made by Hijmans: "It is cosmic symbolism
Yet another has interpreted the figure as a representation of the sun with no explicit religious reference whatever, pagan or Christian
After Constantine's victory over the Alemanni, he minted a coin issue depicting weeping and begging Alemannic tribesmen—"The Alemanni conquered"—beneath the phrase "Romans' rejoicing"
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