(Apr 16, 2016)
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Esta llamativa pieza tiene tamaño 24.5mm x 2mm, y peso de 7.6 gramos, con borde acanalado, y terminación en flor de cuño (Proof-like) Each piece measures 24.5mm x 2mm, has a weight of 7.6 grams, and has reeded edges, just like the real thing There is a total mintage of a mere 100 pieces EARLY YEARS: The earliest team was named "Pope-Hartford" (after the automotive brand), and was organized in 1905 by Santiago Panzardi, the brand's importer It is usually the reference in use by native "mayagüezanos" when referring to the team COINAGE IN EXISTENCE, AS THIS DESIGN WAS MADE FROM A SKETCH MADE PUBLIC BY THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT
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