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Pontos, Amisos (c. 100 Bc), Nike Advancing Incuse / Nike Advancing, Brockage

Pontos,  Amisos (c.  100 Bc),  Nike Advancing Incuse / Nike Advancing,  Brockage Coins: Ancient photo   Category : Coins: Ancient > Greek (450 BC-100 AD)
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Pontos,  Amisos (c.  100 Bc),  Nike Advancing Incuse / Nike Advancing,  Brockage Coins: Ancient photo 1Pontos,  Amisos (c.  100 Bc),  Nike Advancing Incuse / Nike Advancing,  Brockage Coins: Ancient photo 2Pontos,  Amisos (c.  100 Bc),  Nike Advancing Incuse / Nike Advancing,  Brockage Coins: Ancient photo 3Pontos,  Amisos (c.  100 Bc),  Nike Advancing Incuse / Nike Advancing,  Brockage Coins: Ancient photo 4
Pontos,  Amisos (c.  100 Bc),  Nike Advancing Incuse / Nike Advancing,  Brockage Coins: Ancient photo 5


Numismatic data and valuation estimates provided by frei57z (Oct 19, 2015)
Item Information
Category : Coins: Ancient > Greek (450 BC-100 AD)Id number: 144124
Estimated value: around 30 USD
More info
Pontos, Amisos (c. 100 BC), Brockage incuse of Nike reverse (instead of expected facing Gorgon) / AMI-SOU, Nike advancing right, holding palm over shoulder with both hands
), AE20-22mm, 8.6g
Brockage is a mint error where the previously struck coin gets stuck on the die - in this case the obverse die
When the next coin is struck an incuse of the reverse of the previously struck coin (stuck on the obverse die) is struck where the expected obverse design should be (so no Gorgon on this coin)
Do you know more info?

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