(Feb 14, 2012)
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The Nazis minted these coins in 7 different locations throughout Germany Although the Nazi's were in power from 1933, the designs for the smaller denomination coinage were simply a continuation of "Weimarer Republik" designs It was only from 1936 that the smaller denomination Third Reich coins had the Nazi Reichsadler and Hakenkreuz (swastika) incorporated into the coin's design Prior to 1940, small denomination coins were minted from "superior" metals ie copper (1 & 2 Reichspfennig), Brass Alloy (5 & 10 Reichspfennig), and depending upon the year either Nickel or Aluminum (50 Reichspfennig) After 1939, no more large denomination silver coins were minted (2 and 5 Reichsmark) Smaller denomination coins continued to be minted but no longer using the "superior" metals From 1940, almost all the small denomination coins were minted from an zinc base metal The exception to this were 50 Reichspfennig coins which were instead minted from an aluminum base metal It is therefore possible to identify exactly which mint produced what coin by noting the mint mark (letter) on the coin On the smaller denomination Reichspfennig coins, the mint mark is found on the bottom center of the coin
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